Sonntag, 20. August 2017

Four days break

We were so lazy the last 4 days, just ennoying the time at Linda and Ola's place. The hours were running while we were talking about horses, dogs, horses, trainers, horses, training, horses... Time was running and we ended up every evening with late dinner 😉

Yesterday, I was watching them training their trotters. It was not so easy to take a picture.
Santano got 4 new shoes and I hope they will last to Mora at least 😉

How can I say thank you for the great time we had? I am so greatful for meeting you! Maybe we say SEE YOU instead of good bye?!?!

Today I am at Annas and Daniel's place and Santano is just making friends with three friendly trotters.

Mittwoch, 16. August 2017


Yesterday, we walked from Nyhem to Bräcke. We spent one night on Camillas field. Thank you a lot.

The landscape is so beautiful and all three of us enjoyed a feet, hooves and paws bath in the lakes with sand beach. That felt pretty much like home.

We arrived in Bräcke in the afternoon and spent a wonderful evening with Carina. Today Qaanaaq and me moved to Linda, where Santano lives these days. It is really nice to meet all of you. Thank you so much.

Later on, I have the chance to watch Linda training her horse in liberty work. That will be interesting. I am looking forward to this. Hopefully, it will stop raining. 😊l

Sonntag, 13. August 2017

Blog without pictures 😭

After a 41 kms walk yesterday, I reached Västanede at Hilja and her family. Santano had all-you-can-eat on the field and I enjoyed some delicious Swedish pancakes 😊

Today I started the day with a museum's visit.  😉 Then we had an easy recovery walk of 16 kms thanks to Hilja, who transported our luggage in the car. 

I have a great time with Elisabeth and her family in Gastjö. Qaanaaq and Santano made some new friends and I had to throw a lot of sticks to Elisabeth's fluffy lovely furball 😊
In the evening, Hilja came to exchange thd broken front shoes  of Santano after Elisabeth spent the half of her afternoon trying to reach a ferrier.